mardi 18 novembre 2014

Sleep Party People - We Were Drifting On A Sad Song


A Dark God Heart
We Were Drifting On a Sad Song
Melancholic Fog
Heavy Burden
Gazing At the Moon
Heaven Is Above Us
Things Will Disappear Like Tears In The Rain
The City Light Died

Sleep Party People Lastfm
Download: torrent; direct link

samedi 15 novembre 2014

Jacaszek & Kwartludium - Catalogue Des Arbres


Sigh (Les peupliers
Green Hour
A book of lake (Roselière)
Garden (Les sureaux)
From a seashell
Circling (Le pré)
Anthem (La forêt)
Kingdom (Les chênes, les bouleaux)

Jacaszek & Kwartludium Lastfm
Download: Direct Link; torrent

vendredi 14 novembre 2014

Back from the Dead

I didn't realize that many of you were intrested in this blog. I have to admit that I really was surprised when seeing your comments (and the high frequency of visitors). Music for People was abandoned since three years now. I first created it to "immortalize" all the good music stuff in order to prevent any loss but I guess i was busy with other things in my life and just forgot it.
If this blog may help some folks to discover and perhaps download music(dowloading is becoming quite complicated nowdays), I'll be glad to keep on posting hoping you'll enjoy it.
If any problem occurs with the dowload links you can always warn me and I'll do my best to change them or create other ones.
I truly thank you for your support, SHARING MUSIC IS GREAT! and fuck the S.O.P.A.